Thursday, September 14, 2023

Fall Is Almost Here

Great morning for an hour flight in the 110.  Low 60's, calm fresh air, and great visibility.  Will need to grease the rockers before next flight.

Click on any image to launch the photo browser and to see the images in full resolution.


Look closely, there is a hot air balloon between the struts:







Monday, September 11, 2023

Monocoupe Wing Building

In the 1990's, when Bob Coolbaugh was running the Monocoupe Club, he wrote a series of articles for the Club Newsletter about aircraft woodworking and building up a Monocoupe wing.  There were probably 8 articles written over the course of a year and a half.  I have collected those articles into a single PDF file and uploaded it here.

This is a must read for anyone contemplating building a Monocoupe wing.

I have also uploaded a photo album of a 110 Special wing (clipwing) under construction.  Here are some sample pics.

Monocoupe 110 Special wing

Monocoupe 110 Special Wing

Monocoupe 110 Special Wing