Tuesday, May 16, 2023

NC12350 Flight May 16, 2023

A beautiful morning here in Northern Arizona.  We had a strong thunderstorm blow through the area late yesterday afternoon and it cleared out the air.  This morning it was 70 degrees and perfectly clear with light winds.  Below, warming up the Warner 145.

Warming up the Warner 145

Taking off from Sedona (KSEZ) on runway 21 and departing to the west:

Departing Sedona on runway 21 to the west

Heading towards Cottonwood (P52):

Flying near Cottonwood, AZ

Here is some video from the flight:

Filling up post-flight:

Filling up at Sedona Airport

Four hours later:

Thunderstorms in Sedona

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Clipwing Line Up 1992

Picture taken by Lynn Lockrow and sent to me by Rolf Birke.  This is the line up of Model 110 Specials at the Monocoupe reunion and fly-in at Creve Couer airport in September of 1992.

Clipwing Monocoupes at Creve Coeur