Saturday, May 13, 2023

1992 Monocoupe Fly-In Video Part 3

Part 3 of 1992 Monocoupe Club Fly-In.  Coupes in order of appearance:

90AW NC119S

D-145 NC11733

90AL NC97Y Snappy 

110 Special N101H John McCulloch and Woody Edmondson

110 Special NC1161 Bud Dake and Ann Edmondson

90AL NC11760

Here is a link to the 1992 Monocoupe Fly-In Part 3 Youtube video.

Or you can watch it embedded below.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

NC12350 Annual Inspection 2023 Complete

Finished up the annual inspection of NC12350 and returned to service, test flight complete.  Good to go for another year.

NC12350 annual inspection

NC12350 clean rocker covers

NC12350 wheel pants and fairings

NC12350 test flight after annual inspection

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Clipwing Perspective

Uploaded "Clipwing Perspective", an article from Sport Aviation about Ed Saurenman's efforts to return the Monocoupe 110 Special to production.  Article added to Resources for Monocoupe Restorers.

Clipwing Perspective

The article also includes a nice summary of the seven original clipwings, called The Magnificent Seven.

The Magnificent Seven