Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dodging Rain Showers

The summer monsoon pattern continues, although not as active as we would like.  Beautiful blue and white skies this morning along with the occasional stray shower, easily dodged.  Except for the one that just happened to be sitting over the downwind leg for RWY 03. Click any image to launch the photo browser in full resolution.






Monday, July 29, 2024

Still Smokey

 Plenty of fires in the southwestern US means the skies are still filled with smoke and haze.  A tad cooler this morning and DA was less than 7000'.  A nice 1.1 in the Monocoupe 110.




Saturday, July 20, 2024


The Clay Fire is just 7 miles ENE of town center and a fire fighting TFR is up.  No smoke overnight.  Got 1.1 on the tach this morning.  Nice flight.

KSEZ TFR 07-19-24

NC12350 07-19-24 TFR

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hot and Smoke

 It has been over 100 degrees every day for the last couple of weeks, many up to 106.  We have plenty of smoke from AZ and UT fires.  Not the most pleasant flying weather.  Took the 110 up for 45 minutes.  No pictures from the air, too much smoke to get a decent picture.

Monocoupe 110

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

150 Hours

When I was working on the restoration of NC12350, there were Monocoupe owners who gave me grief for how long it was taking me to finish the project.

This morning, NC12350 passed 150 hours in the air since completing the restoration.

There are  many owners with Monocoupe projects that never work on them.  It is a real shame to know that those great airplanes are just sitting ignored.

NC12350 passes 150 hours of flying

NC12350 150 hours of flying

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

06-05-2024 Density Altitude 7000'

Density altitude at 7 am was already 7000'.  No problem for the Monocoupe 110.  100+ degree days ahead.


Friday, May 31, 2024

5-31-2024 Getting Warm

Shifting from spring into summer here in northern AZ.  Afternoon temps creeping up into the mid 90's.  Nice smooth air this morning for another hour in the 110.




